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VI holder stengt på mandager og lørdager i Juli. Andre dager åpent 10 -17

ÜBEL Eb Clarinet Superior GSP


Art.nr: 425985
Vennligst velg


The clarity, warmth and smoothness of the Superior Eb allow this instrument to stand out with distinction. It has superb intonation, phenomenally comfortable key work and an effortless upper register. While it can project with exceptional ease, it has a stunning beauty of tone that transcends expectations.

18 keys
6 rings
Well chosen seasoned Grenadilla wood,
Ergonomically optimized design
Undercut tone holes,
Eb lever,
FAU original bell modification,
LP Gore® pads,
FAU Genuine leather De Luxe Case,
FAU Genuine leather Case Cover,
FAU leather accessories bag

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